May 2019 Meeting Minutes
Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: May 15, 2019
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 9:06AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis; rental coordinator Joy Posey.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Guests: Gordon Anderson.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on April 17, 2019, were approved as presented.
Facility Reports
• Maintenance: Fran summarized a written report from Caretaker Andrew Watson:
• Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
• Landscape: Trish Warner
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
Old Business
New Business
Next Meeting
WED June 19, 10:00AM
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary
Minutes: May 15, 2019
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 9:06AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis; rental coordinator Joy Posey.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Guests: Gordon Anderson.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on April 17, 2019, were approved as presented.
- Dick Bennett notified Herb that the Gardiner CERT Team will hold an AED/CPR training session at GCC at 9:30AM on Saturday June 1. Gardiner residents are welcome.
- Carol notified the Board she will be on vacation July 8-22.
Facility Reports
• Maintenance: Fran summarized a written report from Caretaker Andrew Watson:
- Contractor will schedule a date to put a finish coat on the upstairs floor.
- Andrew repaired four chair footpads.
- Men’s Coffee Group purchased a new double coffee pot for $50.
• Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
- Gardiner Community Church Easter Sunday service in GCC was successful (attendance 120+). The church plans to hold a marriage counseling session at GCC.
- Rhody-Os and 4x4s square dance groups are switching some weekday dates, but maintaining their weekend schedules for now.
- Carol said her brother, visiting from South Dakota, was very impressed by the mural in the GCC history room (Kudos to Fran & Ron) and by GCC’s landscaping (Kudos to Trish and Mark).
• Landscape: Trish Warner
- The Yoga group weeded and planted heathers in April.
- Jim Warner, Trish and Mark have done some watering and weed-whacking.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
- April receipts $4,855 (including $3,220 annual grant from Jefferson County); expenditures $1,920. Cash balance April 30: $19,131. MSA (Herb/Carleton): To approve the Treasurer’s Report for April.
Old Business
- Automated External Defibrillator.
- Barb will download the Philips AED operating manual and purchase new signage (not to exceed $100) indicating the GCC AED location.
- Carol signed a letter requesting a grant of $500 from the Gardiner Salmon Derby Association to enable GCC to purchase a replacement AED battery and pads.
- Cleaning and Maintenance
- Fran purchased an LED light strip for the downstairs coffee service area.
- Advertising & Public Relations
- Herb obtained advertising rate cards for the Peninsula Daily News and the Sequim Gazette. Fran suggested that GCC and the Gardiner Community Church might share the cost of advertising in the next PDN/Gazette bridal section and renting a booth at the next Bridal Fair.
- Gordon Anderson distributed a summary list of communications, public relations and marketing ideas, including establishment of a working PR subcommittee. Gordon volunteered to chair the subcommittee; Carol, Fran, Barb and Herb volunteered to participate. (Secretary’s Note: First subcommittee meeting scheduled for June 10.)
- Fran reported the Jefferson County Commissioners have scheduled a meeting at GCC on August 21 (5:30-9:00PM). Board members agreed that meeting presents an excellent opportunity to inform county officials, Gardiner residents and visitors about GCC. The PR subcommittee will develop plans for this event.
- Summer GCC Potluck
- In light of busy summer schedules and the anticipated workload to coordinate a successful event on August 21, Board members agreed not to plan a summer potluck.
- Carol suggested creating a volunteer Event Coordinator position. Joy offered to invite Liz, a Bachelor Road resident interested in volunteering, to the next Board meeting.
New Business
- Expiring GCC Board Terms
- Herb Cook and Trish Warner agreed to be nominated for renewal of Board terms expiring in May 2019. MSA (Fran/Carleton): To recommend the Jefferson County Board of Commissioners reappoint GCC Board members Herb Cook (through DEC 31, 2022) and Patricia Warner (through DEC 31, 2021).
Next Meeting
WED June 19, 10:00AM
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary