The Gardiner Community Center is a very nice multipurpose facility with a great view. The center has a commanding view of Discovery Bay, Diamond Point, Beckett Point, and Protection Island.
The Center can be rented to anyone who wants a well equipped meeting facility and there is no additional charge for the stunning view.
For more information click on the Rental Info on the left or just use this link.
The Center can be rented to anyone who wants a well equipped meeting facility and there is no additional charge for the stunning view.
For more information click on the Rental Info on the left or just use this link.
By Fran Reynolds, Fall 2021

Located in the small, rural community of Gardiner, the building resides at the top of the hill next to highway 101 and the Gardiner Community Church. It began as a Washington state schoolhouse, financed in 1922 with $4000.00 and opened for classes in 1923. It continued to serve as a schoolhouse until mid 1940’s when it was closed and students were bused to Port Townsend.
The old schoolhouse was left vacant and untended until the 1950’s when the Rhododendron Grange and Gardiner Garden Club brought it back to life. It became the social center for the community with monthly meetings, dinners, parties and youth activities. Fund raisers were organized by the Grange to help manage the expenses. Volunteer services were given to keep the building maintained.
The community’s vested interest in the building showed Jefferson County that it was worthy of investment. In 1976, Jefferson County purchased the old schoolhouse property from the state, rebuilt the structure by adding the lower level, and reopened it to the community as the Gardiner Community Center in 1979. A seven-member body of volunteers, the GCC Board of Directors, was given management of the building’s use and maintenance. Jefferson County collected rents and assumed all financial obligations.
Continuing in that tradition of local volunteer management and county financial support, the Gardiner Community Center functions today as a place for meetings and social interaction. By 2013, the county had transferred the management of monthly finances (banking rents and paying bills) to the GCC Board of Directors. The county continues to provide annual financial support and some maintenance.
At the beginning of their relationship, Jefferson County gave the Guidelines of Operation to the GCC Board directing them to “promote center activities for the well-being of the community”. Currently those activities include business and social meetings, private parties, community service gatherings, and Red Cross emergency staging. It also hosts local CERT groups’ emergency preparedness meetings. The center is fortunate to house free WiFi, courtesy of NOP Data Centers, which is available to the community. Password: payitforward. Holding Zoom conference meetings at the center is another activity being developed by the Board.
The old schoolhouse was left vacant and untended until the 1950’s when the Rhododendron Grange and Gardiner Garden Club brought it back to life. It became the social center for the community with monthly meetings, dinners, parties and youth activities. Fund raisers were organized by the Grange to help manage the expenses. Volunteer services were given to keep the building maintained.
The community’s vested interest in the building showed Jefferson County that it was worthy of investment. In 1976, Jefferson County purchased the old schoolhouse property from the state, rebuilt the structure by adding the lower level, and reopened it to the community as the Gardiner Community Center in 1979. A seven-member body of volunteers, the GCC Board of Directors, was given management of the building’s use and maintenance. Jefferson County collected rents and assumed all financial obligations.
Continuing in that tradition of local volunteer management and county financial support, the Gardiner Community Center functions today as a place for meetings and social interaction. By 2013, the county had transferred the management of monthly finances (banking rents and paying bills) to the GCC Board of Directors. The county continues to provide annual financial support and some maintenance.
At the beginning of their relationship, Jefferson County gave the Guidelines of Operation to the GCC Board directing them to “promote center activities for the well-being of the community”. Currently those activities include business and social meetings, private parties, community service gatherings, and Red Cross emergency staging. It also hosts local CERT groups’ emergency preparedness meetings. The center is fortunate to house free WiFi, courtesy of NOP Data Centers, which is available to the community. Password: payitforward. Holding Zoom conference meetings at the center is another activity being developed by the Board.
To the peninsula residents who use the Gardiner Community Center, it is an important part of their Gardiner life. Like many community buildings, it’s future depends on volunteers willing to invest their time and participate in it’s care. You are invited to use it and become vested in it’s future. GCC Board meetings are held each month on the third Wednesday at ten in the morning. The public is always invited to attend.