September 2019 Meeting Minutes
Minutes: September 18, 2019
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:03AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, directors Mark Nebel and Barbara Reavis, Caretaker Andrew Watson, PR Committee Chair Gordon Anderson. Absent: Herb Cook, Secretary
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Attending guests: Vlada Cervenka, Sharrie and Louie Torres, Bev and Mike Steffen
Louie and Mike, dance groups’ representatives, presented to the Board some concerns they had regarding the way their relationship with GCC had changed over the last few years.
- Though they were happy to remove some items from the hall storage closet, it required their adjustment.
- Their loss of attic storage is a burden due to having to store items in private homes, then transport them.
- They wish to continue using one of their five standing signs at GCC, for six weeks annually.
- They shared their financial report showing dwindling member numbers challenge ongoing success.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on August 17, 2019, were approved as submitted.
Gordon Anderson (public relations), Trish Warner and Mark Nebel (extensive yard care), and Fran Reynolds (history room) received thank you cards from a Board representative thanking them for their contributions to the Center.
Facility Reports
• Maintenance: Caretaker Andrew Watson
Wheelchair ramps have been cleaned, sanded and primed. Andrew is waiting for better weather to paint.
He has cleaned, sanded and primed the ramps’ handrails but has to wait for the matching paint.
• Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
Those having the entry door code are Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey, Bob McCauley, the Jefferson County Book Mobile, and Jim Jobe.
Fran announced that on Oct 1, Joy Posey will no longer be the Scheduling Coordinator.
Correspondence between Fran and Mike Steffen, concerning the dancer’s sign along the highway, was shared. Their request to leave the sign up until September 27, 2019 was approved.
At the County’s direction, nothing can be stored in the attic. The GCC is not responsible for housing renter’s storage. We do accommodate renters when possible. Currently, the dancers have their storage cabinet in the upstairs closet, two locked kitchen cabinets, hidden bulletin boards inside the hall, and space on entry table and bulletin board.
• Landscape: Trish Warner
The county swept the parking lot. Hopefully we are part of their regular Gardiner sweep.
The grounds are thriving due to Chuck’s watering, Mark’s and Vlada‘s weekly maintenance.
Chuck and Trish will return the west watering system and ramp screen to their correct locations.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
August receipts $876.31, expenditures $1,791.83 MSA (Fran/Mark): To approve the August Treasurer’s Report and expenditures.
Old Business
Public Relations Committee: Gordon Anderson
Gordon, Fran and Vlada met Sept 11 to discuss the Spring 2020 Community Meet-n-Greet. They added potential vendors and updated responses on Anne Slinn’s Google Doc list. The list was passed and further updates were given. After discussion, it was decided to simplify the event by making it more about what the Center has to offer and less about creating a “fair”.
Those present were in favor of this simplified version but chose to postpone a final vote until Herb’s return.
A questionnaire for the vendors was passed for review; changes were made. New version will be sent as an attachment to the Board and committee. All are asked to distribute to vendors and request return by Nov 12.
All were asked to recruit community members to participate as committee chairs for the event.
Vacancy on the GCC Board:
No potential candidates were suggested.
New Business
Holiday Celebration (Sunday Dec 15):
A committee needs to be started with local residents. A personal call from Board members to possible sub-committee chairs was suggested.
Upcoming Board Absences:
Andrew will be gone Oct 8-18.
Barb will be gone all Oct.
Next Meeting
WED Oct 16, 10:00AM
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:45AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Reynolds / Vice-President
September 2019
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
September 2019 |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 |
2 (up) 9AM-Noon CERT 2 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 9:30 AM Acrylic Painting |
3 (up) 9 AM Yoga 4:30 PM 4 + 4’s Dancing Club (dn) 11:30 Bunco |
4 (up) 9 AM Exercise for Health (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee |
5 (up) 9 AM Yoga 4:30 PM Rhody’s O’s Dancing Club |
6 (up) 6 PM Rhody O's Dancing Club (dn) 9:30 – 2 PM Project Linus 4 PM Salmon Derby |
7 (dn) 8:30 -Noon CERT 8 Noon-4 PM WWCG |
8 |
9 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 9:30 AM Acrylic Painting 9AM-12:30PM PEO Meeting |
10 (up) 9 AM Yoga 4:30 PM 4 + 4’s Dancing Club |
11 (up) 9 AM Exercise for Health 6 PM-10 PM OPMS (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 11:30 Bunco |
12 (up) 9 AM Yoga 11 - 1:30 Garden Club 4:30 PM Rhody O’s Dancing Club (dn) 5 PM JCCD 3 |
13 |
14 (dn) 8:30 AM Ladies Coffee 8:30 – 11:30 AM History Room Open Noon-4 PM WWCG |
15 |
16 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 9:30 AM Acrylic Painting |
17 (up) 9 AM Yoga 6 PM-10 PM 4:30 PM 4 + 4’s Dancing Club |
18 (up) 9 AM Exercise for Health (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 10 AM GCC Board Meeting |
19 (up) 9 AM Yoga 4:30 PM Rhody O’s Dancing Club |
20 (up) 6 PM Rhody O's Dancing Club |
21 (dn) Noon-4 PM WWCG |
22 |
23 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 9:30 AM Acrylic Painting(dn) |
24 (up) 9 AM Yoga Noon-4 PM Strait Wood Turners 4:30 PM 4 + 4’s Dancing Club |
25 (up) 9 AM Exercise for Health (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee |
26 (up) 9 AM Yoga 4:30 PM Rhody O’s Dancing Club |
27 |
28 (dn) ( Sm room) 10 AM – 12 PM Eagle Crest Lot Owners Noon-4 PM WWCG |
29 |
30 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 9:30 AM Acrylic Painting (up & dn) Noon- 4 PM WWCG |