Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: September 13, 2017
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:00AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Steve Durupt, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis; GCC Caretaker Andrew Watson; Mark Nebel; Jefferson County Sheriff Dave Stanko; Jon Langdon, a member of the Sheriff’s Citizen Advisory Committee.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Board members welcomed Sheriff Stanko and Jon Langdon and agreed to waive the usual 3-minute public comment limit. Stanko and Langdon discussed Sheriff’s Department staffing. With 13 active patrol deputies, Stanko said, his department is understaffed and overworked, putting both his deputies and the public at risk. Stanko said he needs seven additional deputies, but has asked the Jefferson County Commissioners to fund three positions—at an annual cost of about $720,000—as a start. “If you feel like we need more deputies,” Stanko said, “the Commissioners need to hear from you.” Langdon encouraged Gardiner residents to consider joining the Citizen Advisory Committee, which meets six times a year at the Chimacum Fire Station. GCC Board members agreed to make available to Gardiner residents a petition urging County Commissioners to increase the Sheriff’s Department’s funding.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on July 19, 2017, were approved as amended.
Steve Durupt said he had received notice that the battery and pads in the Center’s defibrillator should be replaced by October 2017 (estimated cost $159 for the battery, $108 for the pads). Barb Reavis volunteered to handle the purchase. MSA (Fran/Trish) to purchase a new battery and pads.
Facility Report/Maintenance
· Caretaker Andrew Watson complimented the Board on the appearance of recently painted areas.
· Andrew said he will repair two damaged chairs.
· Board members discussed an unpleasant odor in/near the women’s restroom. Carol said she would notify county maintenance if the odor persists.
· Fran thanked Andrew, Carleton and Steve for repairing concrete and wooden benches outside the Center.
· Fran reported that Strait Flooring will repair a new bubble in the downstairs floor. To avoid future damage, Fran will test samples of felt chair pads.
Facility Report/Rental & Scheduling
Fran Reynolds distributed three GCC Rental Agreement forms for 2018:
· Established rental customers—no damage deposit required;
· Recreational groups paying by donation—no damage deposit required;
· Other groups or individuals—damage deposit required.
Fran distributed a draft Rental Rate Sheet for 2018. After discussion it was MSA (Herb/Trish) to approve the 2018 rental agreements and rate sheet. Fran then reviewed current (2017) rental rates and payment status. After discussion it was MSA (Barb/Herb) to raise the rent for the acrylic painting class from $25 to $40 per month, leaving all other rental rates unchanged.
Landscape Committee
Trish Warner reported that she, Jim Warner and Mark Nebel had been working on weeding and landscape maintenance. Trish requested authorization to continue to pay Mark. After discussion, it was MSA (Herb/Carleton) to spend up to $750 (including $200 previously budgeted) for landscape maintenance labor and supplies through Dec. 31, 2017.
Treasurer’s Report
Trish Warner reported:
· Financial Statements: July receipts $687.50, expenditures $1,388.62. August receipts $1,745.00, expenditures $1,456.20. Checking account balance at AUG 31 $17,717.83. The yoga group contributed an extra $500 (Barb will send thanks). MSA (Herb/Fran): to approve the Treasurer’s Report and authorize payment of August and September bills.
Old Business
· Maintenance & Cleaning: Barb suggested taking down and cleaning the window blinds. Herb will authorize Cash Struxness to proceed with washing exterior windows for $320. Carol will contact Tom Walker (Jefferson County facilities) about installing chair rails.
New Business
· Folding chairs condition and use: Deferred to October meeting.
· Use of GCC storage spaces: Fran will encourage the square dance group to clean out their storage closet.
· Preparation for 2018: Deferred to October meeting.
Next Meeting
Wednesday, October 18, 10:00AM.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 12:30AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary