Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: October 25, 2018
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Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 11:05AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barb Reavis, Caretaker Andrew Watson.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on August 15, 2018, were approved as presented.
Facility Reports
2) Renter’s Clean-up Responsibilities form.
3) Client Review.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
Old Business
New Business
Next Meetings
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:15PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary
Minutes: October 25, 2018
Please click here for printable version
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 11:05AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barb Reavis, Caretaker Andrew Watson.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on August 15, 2018, were approved as presented.
Facility Reports
- Maintenance: Caretaker Andrew Watson
- Andrew has completed the concrete pad and steps for the GCC Readerboard. (Board members complimented Andrew for an excellent job.)
- The downstairs women’s toilet has been repaired again.
- Andrew has cleaned GCC’s upholstered chairs.
- Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
- Fran presented GCC Facility Use Report for the Third Quarter (JUL-SEP), noting 162 total activities and revenue of $3,820, both modest increases from 3Q 2017.
- Fran presented options for 2019 rental rates. After discussion, MSA (Herb/Fran) to reduce the number of renter categories from three to two (Gardiner area and non-Gardiner area) and to make minor adjustments in rental rates. (See schedule of 2019 Rental Fees.)
- Fran will adjust the following for 2019 as appropriate:
2) Renter’s Clean-up Responsibilities form.
3) Client Review.
- After discussion M(Fran)S(Herb)A(4 Yes, 2 No, 1 Abstention) to provide the GCC door code to Jim Jobe (Church of God) for use if no authorized person is available to open the building.
- Landscape: Trish Warner
- Trish and Mark have continued to clear debris from the grounds. Trish has paid Mark $255 for work during 2018; Mark has volunteered substantial additional time without pay.
- Trish plans to spread alder chips during the winter in areas needing mulch.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
- Financial Statements: August receipts $962, expenditures $1,528. September receipts $1,512, expenditures $1,921. September 30 cash balance $19,736. After discussion, Board members agreed that Trish does not need Board authorization to pay monthly bills in the ordinary course of business. MSA (Herb/Fran): To approve the Treasurer’s Report for August and September.
- Electric Reimbursement: GCC has not yet received reimbursement from Jefferson County for excess electric usage following flooding in early spring. The County has indicated it plans to reimburse GCC from an expected insurance settlement.
- 2019 Budget: Fran requested $100 for picture frames for the History Room.
Old Business
- Refinishing Upstairs Meeting Room Floor: Completed, looks good. Jefferson County facilities coordinator Tom Walker has advised Andrew on maintenance (no wet mopping). Carol will seek input from the County on appropriate chair footpads.
- Exterior Window Washing. Herb will seek a quote from Cash Struxness to wash the windows in spring or summer 2019.
- Gardiner History Room. CERT equipment and an old table have been removed. Room has been cleaned and painted (Thanks, Barb and volunteers!). Fran is thinking about a mural and other display materials.
New Business
- GCC Officers
- Rental Coordinator NOV 2018: Barb volunteered to handle scheduling while Fran is traveling NOV 8-29.
- Vice President 2019: Fran said she will not continue as rental coordinator after Dec. 31, 2018. Board members agreed to seek a replacement.
- Holiday Gathering: Sunday, DEC 16, 1-4PM. Planning @Fran’s house OCT 31, 1PM.
Next Meetings
- WED NOV 14, 10:00AM
- WED DEC 12, 10:00AM
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:15PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary