Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: October 18, 2017
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:00AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Steve Durupt and Carleton Posey; GCC Caretaker Andrew Watson; Mark Nebel.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
No comments.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on September 13, 2017, were approved as amended.
Fran Reynolds received a thank-you note from a memorial service renter and a request from Christie Lassen of Wild Birds Unlimited to use the GCC Readerboard to promote an owl exhibit benefiting a wild bird rescue organization. MSA (Trish/Herb) to waive the Readerboard rental fee for Wild Birds Unlimited.
Facility Report/Maintenance
· Caretaker Andrew Watson said several items, including a furniture dolly and a chair, had disappeared in the past year or so. Fran Reynolds suggested doing informal post-event inventories before returning damage deposits. Steve Durupt suggested clearly marking furniture and equipment as the property of GCC.
· Strait Flooring repaired the bubble in the downstairs floor.
· Felt pads have been installed on chair feet and damaged chairs have been repaired.
· Dave Kaldahl of Jefferson County Central Services/Facilities Maintenance identified rodents as the probable cause of odor in the women’s restroom. County staffers have set traps and plugged holes; they would prefer not to use poison. The county also has replaced three broken window panes.
· Barb Reavis purchased and installed new defibrillator pads for about $80. The defibrillator battery is not due for replacement yet.
Facility Report/Rental & Scheduling
· Fran Reynolds distributed GCC’s Third Quarter Usage Report (JUL-SEP), including 150 uses of the building, quarterly revenue of $3,561 and year-to-date (JAN-SEP) revenue of $11,889. Annual revenue for 2017 is on track to equal or exceed 2016.
· Fran distributed copies of GCC’s 2018 Rental Agreements and Rate Sheet as approved by the Board in September.
Landscape Committee
Trish Warner thanked Carleton Posey for removing a tree. Mark Nebel has continued to work with Trish on landscape maintenance for compensation of $20 per hour, as previously authorized by the Board.
Treasurer’s Report
Trish Warner reported:
· Financial Statements: Receipts: August $1,745; September $1,321. Expenditures August $1,456.20; September $1,693.98. Checking account SEP 30 balance: $17,819. October bills payable $1,497.86. MSA (Herb/Fran): to approve the Treasurer’s Report and authorize payment of October bills.
Old Business
· Cleaning Window Blinds: Deferred to November.
· Window Washing: Completed by Cash Struxness for $320.
· Chair Rails: Deferred to November. Carol will speak with Dave Kaldahl.
· GCC storage spaces: Downstairs cabinets and closets have been cleaned out and organized. Square dancers have cleaned up their storage space. Three large tables and eight folding chairs have been moved upstairs.
New Business
· Folding chairs: Fran Reynolds recommended buying chairs from Costco to replace those that are uncomfortable, are in poor condition and have feet that scratch GCC floors. After discussion it was MSA (Trish, Carol): To authorize purchase of 20 folding chairs from Costco at $15 each.
· Preparation for 2018
Ø Review of Policies & Procedures: Deferred to November.
Ø Nomination of Board Member: To replace Steve Durupt, whose term expires in October, MSA: To nominate Mark Nebel to the GCC Board of Directors for a term beginning on the date of his appointment by the Jefferson County Commissioners and ending on December 31, 2020. Secretary’s Note: The Jefferson County Commissioners appointed Mark on November 6, 2017.
Ø Election of Officers: All current Officers said they are willing to serve for another year. MSA: To elect the following Officers to serve from January 1, 2018, through December 31, 2018:
President: Carol Hansen Hills
Vice President: Fran Reynolds
Treasurer: Trish Warner
Secretary: Herb Cook
Ø 2018 Operating Budget: The Board reviewed actual revenues and expenditures for the first nine months of 2017 and discussed projections for 2018. Trish Warner agreed to present a proposed 2018 budget at the November 15 Board meeting.
Ø Caretaker’s Agreement: After discussion, Board members agreed to offer Andrew Watson a compensation increase of $50 per month (4.76%) to $1,100 per month ($13,200 per year). Review and consideration of the Caretaker’s Agreement for 2018 was deferred to November.
Next Meeting
Wednesday, November 15, 10:00AM.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 12:35PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary