Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: November 20, 2019
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:03AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, director Mark Nebel, director Barbara Reavis, PR Committee Chair Gordon Anderson. Absent: caretaker Andrew Watson (medical appointment).
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Guests: Ron Reynolds.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on October 16, 2019, were approved as submitted.
Trish wrote to Chuck Livingston, who responded that he is too busy working in Portland to consider joining the GCC Board of Directors at this time.
Facility Reports
- Maintenance: The Board discussed whether GCC thermostats should be locked and what temperature settings should be maintained. Policy consensus:
- Thermostats shall be locked.
- Standard temperature settings shall be 67 degrees (day) and 65 degrees (night).
- Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
- Fran thanked Mark for ably filling in as caretaker during Andrew’s medical leave.
- Fran recommended and Board members agreed that the History Room shall be left unlocked for visitors to enjoy.
- Herb researched rental rates at community centers in Port Townsend, Chimacum and Quilcene. Herb and Fran reviewed those rates, agreed that GCC’s 2019 rental rates are generally comparable, and recommended that GCC’s rates be left unchanged in 2020, as previously authorized by the Board in October.
- Fran recommended that GCC’s rental cancellation policy be reviewed in 2020.
- Fran reported that she had negotiated with the two square dance groups and reached agreement to limit their occupancy to the hours specified in their rental contracts.
- Landscape: Trish Warner
- MSA (Herb/Fran): To accept Trish’s generous donation of a tree to replace one destroyed by weather.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
October receipts $1,470, expenditures $1,508. Cash balance at OCT 31 $15,584. Trish noted that receipts included $450 in refundable damage deposits. MSA (Fran/Herb): To approve the October Treasurer’s Report.
- 2020 Budget: Trish will prepare a Budget for consideration at the December Board meeting, generally consistent with the 2019 Budget.
- Jefferson County Grant Funding: Carol asked for Board members’ opinions on asking for an increase in the County grant ($3,320 in 2019) or proposing that the County resume paying GCC’s electric and water bills in lieu of making annual grants. Board consensus was to wait for notification of the County’s 2020 grant and to focus on increasing rental income.
Public Relations Committee: Gordon Anderson
Board members discussed the proposed Spring 2020 “Meet-n-Greet” event and agreed:
- A primary purpose of such an event would be to promote paid rentals and increase GCC’s overall income. Whether public attendance and the participation of government, nonprofit and business vendors would lead to increased rentals is doubtful.
- The event would require significant commitments of time by GCC Board members and other volunteers. Not all Board members are prepared to make such commitments.
- Donation Box: Mark offered to build a portable donation box for use during GCC events (such as the GCC Holiday Potluck) at which visitors may be willing to contribute. Board members thanked Mark for his ongoing efforts on behalf of the Community Center.
Old Business
- Holiday Potluck: Fran distributed a printed schedule and list of volunteer assignments for the Potluck on Sunday, December 15. Board members reviewed arrangements.
- Vacancy on the GCC Board: Gordon Anderson volunteered to be nominated to the seat vacated by the expiration of Carleton Posey’s term. MSA (Herb/Mark) To nominate Gordon Anderson for appointment by the Jefferson County Commissioners to the Gardiner Community Center Board of Directors.
- Holiday Decorating: 9:00AM Saturday, November 30. Community participation encouraged.
New Business
- Caretaker’s Independent Contractor Agreement for 2020: After discussion, action was deferred to the December Board meeting. Fran offered to coordinate an ad hoc committee to review the Agreement. Carol, Mark and Gordon volunteered to serve.
Next Meeting
WED, DEC 11, 10:00AM (Secretary’s Note: Date changed from DEC 18)
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 12:15PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary
Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | Thursday | Friday | Saturday |
November 2019 |
Sunday |
Monday |
Tuesday |
Wednesday |
Thursday |
Friday |
Saturday |
1 (dn) 9:30 – 2 PM Project Linus |
2 (dn) 8:30 -Noon CERT 8 Noon-4 PM WWCG |
3 |
4 (up) 9AM-Noon CERT 2 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 9:30 AM Acrylic Painting |
5 (up) 9 AM Yoga 4:30 PM 4+4's Dancing Club (dn) 11:30 Bunco |
6 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 4 PM Salmon Derby |
7 (up) 9 AM Yoga 4:30 PM Rhody O's Dancing Club |
8 |
9 (up) 8 AM – 4 PM Holiday Bazaar (dn) 8:30 AM Ladies Coffee 8:30-11:30 History Rm. Noon-4 PM WWCG |
10 |
11 (up) 9 AM – 1:30 PM Veterans Day Prep. (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 9:30 AM Acrylic Painting |
12 (up) 9 AM Yoga 4:30 PM 4+4's Dancing Club |
13 (up) 6 to 10 PM OPMS (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 11:30 Bunco |
14 (up) 9 AM Yoga 11-1:30 Garden Club 4:30 PM Rhody O's Dancing Club (dn) 5 PM JCCD |
15 (up) 6 PM Rhody O's Dancing Club |
16 (up) 11AM – 3PM Celebration of Life KH (dn) Noon-4 PM WWCG |
17 (up) 9AM – 5PM Lagotto Grooming Workshop |
18 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 9:30 AM Acrylic Painting(dn) |
19 (up) 9 AM Yoga 4:30 PM 4+4's Dancing Club |
20 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 10 AM GCC Board Meeting |
21 (up) 9 AM Yoga 4:30 PM Rhody O's Dancing Club |
22 |
23 (dn) Noon-4 PM WWCG |
24 |
25 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee 9:30 AM Acrylic Painting |
26 (up) 9 AM Yoga Noon – 4 PM Strait Wood Turners 4:30 PM 4+4's Dancing Club |
27 (dn) 8 AM Men's Coffee |
28 THANKSGIVING (up) 2 to 6 PM Lovejoy-Evans Pvt |
29 |
30 (up) 9AM DECORATING GCC FOR HOLIDAYS All invited to help :-) (dn) Noon-4 PM WWCG |