Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: November 14, 2016
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:00AM. Present: President Hills, Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Steve Durupt and Carleton Posey, board nominee Barbara Reavis, caretaker Andrew Watson.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Guests: Pete Erickson and Debra Quinnell representing the Gardiner Salmon Derby Association; Dick Bennett representing the Gardiner/Diamond Point area CERT team.
Pete and Debra said the Salmon Derby Association, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation, is not in a position to pay rent for its use of the Community Center, but may make an annual cash donation to support GCC. Dick said members of the women’s bunco group had asked him to express their concern about being required to pay a fixed fee each time they use the Center.
Fran Reynolds said the proposed schedule of GCC user fees for 2017 was developed to assure that all groups contribute. Debra said it’s important that all GCC users feel they are treated fairly and not pitted against each other. Pete and Debra agreed to discuss the issue with the Salmon Derby Association Board and report the results of that discussion to the GCC Board.
Dick Bennett, Captain of the area CERT team, said disaster preparedness experts believe the Community Center building would probably collapse in a large earthquake. Therefor the CERT team is seeking another site on which to locate a storage container for disaster relief supplies and equipment.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on October 12, 2016, were approved as submitted by Secretary Herb Cook.
Facility Report
Caretaker Andrew Watson reported that the finish on the upstairs wooden floor, refinished in December 2015, was deteriorating and creating dust in areas of high usage. Steve Durupt suggested that GCC inform Jefferson County. Herb Cook agreed to contact the appropriate County staff person.
Fran Reynolds distributed copies of the updated GCC Rental Agreement. The Board approved Fran’s request to post GCC Use Policies on the bulletin board. Fran said an addiction support group had inquired about renting GCC overnight from December 24 to December 25. After discussion, Board members agreed that Fran has authority to approve or deny an application for overnight use, depending on her assessment of the group and its supervision plan.
Fran said Joy Posey will handle GCC rentals while Fran is on vacation (November 14 through December 1). GCC Christmas decorating will be at 10:00AM Saturday, December 3.
Landscape Committee
Trish Warner said she and Jim had done a fall clean-up and will continue to do periodic grounds maintenance, but will not weed the berm by the road. Trish and Steve suggested buying a leaf blower or using GCC’s shop vac to clear fir needles from around the building entrance. Trish reported an electric plug on the southeast side of the building and a faucet on the west side are not working. Steve said he will contact Tom Walker at Jefferson County about fixing them.
Steve said Tom Walker offered to deliver surplus tables from the Jefferson County Commissioners offices to GCC.
Treasurer’s Report
Trish Warner presented a statement of GCC financial activity for October 2016 and reported she had consolidated GCC’s savings account into the checking account, as authorized by the Board in October. Checking balance as of October 31 was $23,603.81. MSA: (Fran, Steve) to approve all October bill payments. MSA: (Herb, Carleton) to approve the October Treasurer’s Report.
Old Business
· Rental Rates and Policies: Fran distributed a draft 2017 Rental Summary for Gardiner and Diamond Point organizations. Fran reiterated her request that all groups sign annual agreements “to better manage the calendar, establish accountability and uniformity for future reference, and to have all recreational groups participating in the financial support of the Center.”
· Downstairs Carpet Replacement: Fran suggested GCC offer to pay half the cost of installing new flooring if Jefferson County pays the other half. Herb agreed to work with Carol on a letter to the County concerning upstairs and downstairs floor issues.
· PUD Water Feed and Meter: Trish said a representative of Jefferson County PUD #1 informed her on November 7 that the PUD was awaiting parts needed to downsize GCC’s water feed from 1” to ¾”. However, Trish believes the current low pressure suggests the feed may already have been downsized; however, GCC is still being billed the higher rate for a 1” feed and meter. Trish will ask PUD Commissioner Wayne King, a Gardiner resident, to get the facts and reduce GCC’s bill.
· Appointment of Barb Reavis to GCC Board: Action by Jefferson County Commissioners pending.
· Coterminous Board Term Expiration Dates: Herb has not spoken with County Administrator Philip Morley.
New Business
· GCC Agreement with Jefferson County: Carol appointed Fran, Carleton and Herb to an ad hoc committee to review the 2016 Agreement and suggest changes for 2017.
· Caretaker Agreement for 2017: Board members commended Andrew Watson for his diligence, attention to detail and positive attitude. Andrew responded that he enjoys the work, appreciates the Board’s support and is glad to be able to contribute to the community. Because Andrew has agreed to assume responsibility for posting messages on the GCC Readerboard in addition to his regular custodial duties, Trish recommended that his compensation be increased by $50 per month in 2017. Herb suggested an additional inflation/cost of living increase of $34 per month (3.5 percent). After discussion, it was MSA: (Herb/Steve) to set compensation under Andrew’s service agreement for 2017 at $1,050 per month.
· Return of Damage Deposits: At Trish’s request, it was MSA: (Herb/Carleton) to authorize the Treasurer, at her discretion, to return damage deposits upon satisfactory completion of rental agreements.
Next Meeting
To avoid meeting during Christmas week, the Board agreed to hold the next meeting at 10:00AM on Wednesday, December 14.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 12:25PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook