Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: May 17, 2017
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:00AM. Present: President Hills, Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Steve Durupt (arrived 11:30), Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on April 19, 2017, were approved as presented.
Received: Jefferson County Commissioners Resolution #20-17: “In the Matter of Amending the Gardiner Community Center Guidelines for Operation.” Amended Guidelines approved as submitted by GCC.
Facility Report/Maintenance
Caretaker Andrew Watson did not attend the meeting.
Facility Report/Rental & Scheduling
Fran Reynolds reported:
· GCC’s new Ooma/Telo telephone number is 360-382-7005;
· Fran resolved a rental reservation miscommunication with Lakeside Industries;
· A congregant of the Worldwide Church of God died of natural causes while attending services at GCC;
· A few summer reservations had been canceled.
Landscape Committee
Trish Warner reported that she and Jim had pulled blackberry vines from the north berm, but additional clearing and mulching will be needed on the steep slope. After discussion, it was
MSA (Herb/Carleton): To authorize Trish to hire landscape maintenance services for the north berm at a cost not to exceed $200.
Treasurer’s Report
Trish Warner reported:
· Financial Statements: April receipts were $1,176.00, expenditures $2,050.92. Checking account balance at April 30 was $15,253.74. May bills total $1,409.23, including reimbursement of $9.75 to Jim Warner for purchase of weed-n-feed.
· MSA (Fran/Barb): to approve the Treasurer’s Report and authorize payment of bills.
Old Business
· Jefferson County Community Services Grant Agreement: Herb said he will inquire about the status of the $3,120 grant.
· Publication of GCC Meeting Notices: Herb agreed to research Public Notice legal requirements and advertising options.
· Maintenance & Cleaning: Barb distributed a list of maintenance and repair needs based on a building walkthrough by Fran and Carol. Fran reported County facilities foreman Tom Walker has delivered floor mats for building entrances. Fran said she will communicate with Andrew about organizing storage spaces and inventorying supplies. Board members will fill in to handle some custodial duties while Andrew is on a trip to Scotland.
· Window Cleaning: Herb said he will contact Cash Struxness to obtain a quote for exterior window washing.
· Concrete Bench: Carleton reported the bench has been moved about 20 feet, out of the way of vehicle traffic. Carleton will research how to repair the cracked top.
· Old Television: Steve said he will haul the old TV to Goodwill.
New Business
· Downstairs Meeting Room: Andrew will be asked to remove floor marks and purchase pads for table feet to protect the floor from scratches.
· Outside Building Ramps: Board members noted some deterioration. County facilities foreman Tom Walker said the ramps are not scheduled for repair; Tom will be asked to check for unsafe conditions.
· Heating System: Neither Andrew nor Tom Walker was present when AireFlo showed up to do annual maintenance & inspection. Carol agreed to follow up.
· Communication: Carol requested that she be notified when significant events happen at GCC. She will be traveling for 3 or 4 weeks beginning May 18, but will be available by phone or email.
· Mailbox Keys: Steve Ross, who rents one of the mailboxes outside GCC, informed Trish that the Sequim Post Office would like GCC to assume responsibility for maintaining extra keys to those boxes. Board members agreed that it would be inappropriate for GCC to hold keys to USPS mailboxes. Trish will inform USPS.
Next Meeting
10:00AM Wednesday, June 21.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook
Minutes: May 17, 2017
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:00AM. Present: President Hills, Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Steve Durupt (arrived 11:30), Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on April 19, 2017, were approved as presented.
Received: Jefferson County Commissioners Resolution #20-17: “In the Matter of Amending the Gardiner Community Center Guidelines for Operation.” Amended Guidelines approved as submitted by GCC.
Facility Report/Maintenance
Caretaker Andrew Watson did not attend the meeting.
Facility Report/Rental & Scheduling
Fran Reynolds reported:
· GCC’s new Ooma/Telo telephone number is 360-382-7005;
· Fran resolved a rental reservation miscommunication with Lakeside Industries;
· A congregant of the Worldwide Church of God died of natural causes while attending services at GCC;
· A few summer reservations had been canceled.
Landscape Committee
Trish Warner reported that she and Jim had pulled blackberry vines from the north berm, but additional clearing and mulching will be needed on the steep slope. After discussion, it was
MSA (Herb/Carleton): To authorize Trish to hire landscape maintenance services for the north berm at a cost not to exceed $200.
Treasurer’s Report
Trish Warner reported:
· Financial Statements: April receipts were $1,176.00, expenditures $2,050.92. Checking account balance at April 30 was $15,253.74. May bills total $1,409.23, including reimbursement of $9.75 to Jim Warner for purchase of weed-n-feed.
· MSA (Fran/Barb): to approve the Treasurer’s Report and authorize payment of bills.
Old Business
· Jefferson County Community Services Grant Agreement: Herb said he will inquire about the status of the $3,120 grant.
· Publication of GCC Meeting Notices: Herb agreed to research Public Notice legal requirements and advertising options.
· Maintenance & Cleaning: Barb distributed a list of maintenance and repair needs based on a building walkthrough by Fran and Carol. Fran reported County facilities foreman Tom Walker has delivered floor mats for building entrances. Fran said she will communicate with Andrew about organizing storage spaces and inventorying supplies. Board members will fill in to handle some custodial duties while Andrew is on a trip to Scotland.
· Window Cleaning: Herb said he will contact Cash Struxness to obtain a quote for exterior window washing.
· Concrete Bench: Carleton reported the bench has been moved about 20 feet, out of the way of vehicle traffic. Carleton will research how to repair the cracked top.
· Old Television: Steve said he will haul the old TV to Goodwill.
New Business
· Downstairs Meeting Room: Andrew will be asked to remove floor marks and purchase pads for table feet to protect the floor from scratches.
· Outside Building Ramps: Board members noted some deterioration. County facilities foreman Tom Walker said the ramps are not scheduled for repair; Tom will be asked to check for unsafe conditions.
· Heating System: Neither Andrew nor Tom Walker was present when AireFlo showed up to do annual maintenance & inspection. Carol agreed to follow up.
· Communication: Carol requested that she be notified when significant events happen at GCC. She will be traveling for 3 or 4 weeks beginning May 18, but will be available by phone or email.
· Mailbox Keys: Steve Ross, who rents one of the mailboxes outside GCC, informed Trish that the Sequim Post Office would like GCC to assume responsibility for maintaining extra keys to those boxes. Board members agreed that it would be inappropriate for GCC to hold keys to USPS mailboxes. Trish will inform USPS.
Next Meeting
10:00AM Wednesday, June 21.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook