Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: March 20, 2019
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Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:02AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis, Caretaker Andrew Watson, Rental Coordinator Joy Posey.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Guests: Gordon Anderson; Louie Torres, acting president of the 4x4s squaredance club; Mike Steffen, president of the Rhody-Os squaredance club.
To accommodate availability of a new caller, Louie and Mike requested that the 4x4s and Rhody-Os be permitted to swap Tuesday and Thursday rental dates, probably beginning in June. The Rhody-Os also would like to dance twice a month on Saturday instead of Friday. Board members agreed that Fran and Joy have discretion to approve changes in rental dates and contracts.
Trish said she had spoken with Chuck Livingston about joining the GCC Board. Chuck lives in Gardiner, has volunteered in the kitchen and for the Salmon Derby and sometimes attends Men’s Coffee sessions. Board members encouraged Trish to invite Chuck to a future Board meeting.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on February 20, 2019, were approved as submitted by Fran, who acted as Secretary-pro-tem in Herb’s absence. Thanks, Fran!
No communications were presented.
Facility Reports
• Maintenance: Caretaker Andrew Watson
• Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
• Landscape: Trish Warner
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
Old Business
New Business
Next Meeting
WED APR 17, 10:00AM
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary
Minutes: March 20, 2019
Please click here for printable version
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:02AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis, Caretaker Andrew Watson, Rental Coordinator Joy Posey.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Guests: Gordon Anderson; Louie Torres, acting president of the 4x4s squaredance club; Mike Steffen, president of the Rhody-Os squaredance club.
To accommodate availability of a new caller, Louie and Mike requested that the 4x4s and Rhody-Os be permitted to swap Tuesday and Thursday rental dates, probably beginning in June. The Rhody-Os also would like to dance twice a month on Saturday instead of Friday. Board members agreed that Fran and Joy have discretion to approve changes in rental dates and contracts.
Trish said she had spoken with Chuck Livingston about joining the GCC Board. Chuck lives in Gardiner, has volunteered in the kitchen and for the Salmon Derby and sometimes attends Men’s Coffee sessions. Board members encouraged Trish to invite Chuck to a future Board meeting.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on February 20, 2019, were approved as submitted by Fran, who acted as Secretary-pro-tem in Herb’s absence. Thanks, Fran!
No communications were presented.
Facility Reports
• Maintenance: Caretaker Andrew Watson
- Downstairs Bathrooms: Nearly completed
- GCC Camera: Not yet purchased.
- Automatic External Defibrillator (AED): Has been transferred to CERT.
- Septic Alarm: Andrew will call Jefferson County when the alarm sounds. GCC is not responsible for septic system maintenance.
- Salmon Derby: Fran reported the Derby has returned all borrowed items.
• Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
- Readerboard Rental Policy: No change needed.
• Landscape: Trish Warner
- Mike Gatchett has removed rotten logs from the edge of the parking lot.
- Dead and snow-damaged plants need pruning and/or removal.
- Members of the Yoga group would like to weed and clean in April.
- Gordon Anderson volunteers to load and haul debris.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
- February receipts $1,165; expenditures $1,693. Cash balance February 28: $15,860. MSA: To approve the Treasurer’s Report for February.
- Jefferson County 2019 grant ($3,220) not yet received. Herb will check.
Old Business
- Review of Guidelines for Operation of GCC: No changes required.
- Cleaning/maintenance walkthrough: Board members conducted a walkthrough following adjournment.
- Advertisement of GCC to prospective renters: Herb will do some research on print and online advertising possibilities.
New Business
Next Meeting
WED APR 17, 10:00AM
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:10AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary