Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: June 21, 2017
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Fran Reynolds at 10:00AM. Present: Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Steve Durupt, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis; caretaker Andrew Watson.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on May 17, 2017, were approved as presented.
Facility Report/Maintenance
Facility Report/Rental & Scheduling
Fran Reynolds reported:
· Thanks to Trish and Carleton for assisting with GCC openings during Andrew’s trip to Scotland;
· Jim Coulter has requested the GCC door code for emergency access to his ham radio equipment in the CERT room. MSA (Herb/Carleton): To provide the GCC door code to Jim Coulter;
· GCC’s outside trash been has occasionally been overloaded between bi-weekly pickups. Murray Disposal will be asked for extra pickups as needed.
· Fran and Trish removed old paint from GCC’s storage area. Fran gave Jefferson County facilities supervisor Tom Walker a list of needed painting supplies, which were delivered;
· Tom Walker mentioned a nail in GCC’s new downstairs flooring; Fran will investigate.
Landscape Committee
Trish Warner reported:
· Mark Nebel agreed to work on weeding and maintaining the berm area. (The Board previously authorized spending up to $200 on berm maintenance);
· Jim Warner cleared weeds from the ditch area;
· Carleton obtained rock for the berm area at no cost to GCC.
Treasurer’s Report
Trish Warner reported:
· Financial Statements: May receipts were $1,245.99, expenditures $1,409.23. Checking account balance at May 31 was $15,090.50. June bills total $1,446. MSA (Fran/Barb): to approve the Treasurer’s Report and authorize payment of bills.
Old Business
· Jefferson County Community Services Grant Agreement: Jefferson County notified Herb the 2017 Grant of $3,120 would be mailed May 19. (Secretary’s Note: Check was received June 24.)
· Publication of GCC Meeting Notices: Jefferson County informed Herb that newspaper publication of regular meeting notices is not required. Notice of Special Meetings may be published on the GCC website and posted on the Community Center door. Herb agreed to research using NextDoor and/or the GCC website to promote use of the Center.
· Maintenance & Cleaning: Barb requested volunteers to help paint two downstairs rooms on July 12 and July 14. Herb will ask Tom Walker if Jefferson County can clean the gutters before Cash Struxness washes the exterior windows (quote $320). Carleton will repair the cracked concrete bench, which has been moved away from traffic. Steve took the old television to Goodwill. AireFlo heating inspection rescheduled for July 6.
New Business
· Gardiner History Archive: Deborah Quinnell and Ann Waldron of the Women’s Coffee Group have offered to help collect and organize documents and materials. Board members agreed that the downstairs back room, which is infrequently used, would be appropriate. Carleton offered to ask Janelle Minty to contribute materials her late parents, Bob and Joyce Minty, may have collected.
Next Meeting
10:00AM Wednesday, July 19.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:40AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook
Minutes: June 21, 2017
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by Vice President Fran Reynolds at 10:00AM. Present: Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Steve Durupt, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis; caretaker Andrew Watson.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on May 17, 2017, were approved as presented.
Facility Report/Maintenance
Facility Report/Rental & Scheduling
Fran Reynolds reported:
· Thanks to Trish and Carleton for assisting with GCC openings during Andrew’s trip to Scotland;
· Jim Coulter has requested the GCC door code for emergency access to his ham radio equipment in the CERT room. MSA (Herb/Carleton): To provide the GCC door code to Jim Coulter;
· GCC’s outside trash been has occasionally been overloaded between bi-weekly pickups. Murray Disposal will be asked for extra pickups as needed.
· Fran and Trish removed old paint from GCC’s storage area. Fran gave Jefferson County facilities supervisor Tom Walker a list of needed painting supplies, which were delivered;
· Tom Walker mentioned a nail in GCC’s new downstairs flooring; Fran will investigate.
Landscape Committee
Trish Warner reported:
· Mark Nebel agreed to work on weeding and maintaining the berm area. (The Board previously authorized spending up to $200 on berm maintenance);
· Jim Warner cleared weeds from the ditch area;
· Carleton obtained rock for the berm area at no cost to GCC.
Treasurer’s Report
Trish Warner reported:
· Financial Statements: May receipts were $1,245.99, expenditures $1,409.23. Checking account balance at May 31 was $15,090.50. June bills total $1,446. MSA (Fran/Barb): to approve the Treasurer’s Report and authorize payment of bills.
Old Business
· Jefferson County Community Services Grant Agreement: Jefferson County notified Herb the 2017 Grant of $3,120 would be mailed May 19. (Secretary’s Note: Check was received June 24.)
· Publication of GCC Meeting Notices: Jefferson County informed Herb that newspaper publication of regular meeting notices is not required. Notice of Special Meetings may be published on the GCC website and posted on the Community Center door. Herb agreed to research using NextDoor and/or the GCC website to promote use of the Center.
· Maintenance & Cleaning: Barb requested volunteers to help paint two downstairs rooms on July 12 and July 14. Herb will ask Tom Walker if Jefferson County can clean the gutters before Cash Struxness washes the exterior windows (quote $320). Carleton will repair the cracked concrete bench, which has been moved away from traffic. Steve took the old television to Goodwill. AireFlo heating inspection rescheduled for July 6.
New Business
· Gardiner History Archive: Deborah Quinnell and Ann Waldron of the Women’s Coffee Group have offered to help collect and organize documents and materials. Board members agreed that the downstairs back room, which is infrequently used, would be appropriate. Carleton offered to ask Janelle Minty to contribute materials her late parents, Bob and Joyce Minty, may have collected.
Next Meeting
10:00AM Wednesday, July 19.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:40AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook