Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: January 18, 2017
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:02AM. Present: President Hills, Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis; caretaker Andrew Watson. Absent: director Steve Durupt.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
No guests attended. No public comment.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on December 14, 2016, were approved as amended.
Facility Report/Maintenance
Caretaker Andrew Watson reported:
· Steve Durupt received a quote of about $5,000 from Strait Floors Inc. for purchase and installation of composition flooring to replace the worn-out carpet in the downstairs meeting room. Steve will bring flooring samples to the February 15 Board meeting.
· In Andrew’s opinion, the estimated cost of $1,500 to replace current fluorescent lighting tubes with energy-efficient LED tubes is excessive.
· Jefferson County has repaired the ladies toilet.
· Bob McCauley made and contributed a wooden door lock.
Facility Report/Rental & Scheduling
Fran Reynolds distributed a summary of GCC rentals and usage through December 31, 2016. Fran reported:
· GCC users now sign one of three agreements: rental, recreational or community service. All current paid renters have submitted agreements. Agreements from two recreational users remain outstanding.
· There were cancellations in December because of icy conditions.
· The Salmon Derby Association would like to use GCC folding tables and chairs for the awards ceremony and barbecue at the Gardiner Boat Ramp on Monday, February 20. MSA (Herb, Fran) to authorize use of tables and chairs as requested.
Landscape Committee
Trish Warner reported that severe winter winds had damaged some plants.
Treasurer’s Report
Trish Warner reported
· Damage Deposits: As authorized by the Board in December, Fran and Trish reviewed all damage deposits. Trish refunded $1,325 to ongoing users, reducing the deposit balance to about $400, solely for upcoming events.
· Financial Statements: Trish reported December receipts of $1,810, expenditures of $3,205 (including damage deposit refunds of $1,325) and a cash balance of $23,168 as of January 13, 2017. MSA: (Herb, Fran) to approve the November Treasurer’s Report.
· January Bills: MSA: (Fran, Barbara) to authorize payments totaling $1,740.08.
Old Business
· Downstairs Carpet Replacement: Strait Floors proposes to install solid (not panel) composition flooring. Steve will bring color samples to the February 15 Board meeting (see Facility Report).
· LED Lighting: Jefferson County PUD informed Trish that the PUD does not offer rebates for the installation of LED lighting. After discussion of LED cost, energy savings, illumination quality and public relations benefits, it was MSA: (Herb, Fran) to authorize purchase of LED tubes from Home Depot for $1,586.04, to be installed by Jefferson County.
· Guidelines for Operation: Herb agreed to draft potential guideline revisions, incorporating suggestions by Fran, for Board consideration in February or March.
New Business
· Phone Service: Board members agreed to discuss the pros and cons of changing from CenturyLink landline service to Ooma VoIP internet phone service.
Next Meeting
10:00AM Wednesday, February 15.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook