Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: February 20, 2019
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Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:11AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis, Caretaker Andrew Watson. Absent: Herb Cook, Secretary
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Guest: Gordon Anderson
Gordon expressed his appreciation of having the GCC board meeting posted on the reader board. He also clarified his desire to continue visiting the board meetings, but at this time, had no desire to join the board as a director.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on January 16, 2019, were approved as submitted.
No communications were presented.
Facility Reports
• Maintenance: Caretaker Andrew Watson
Andrew reported that due to the weather, he was concerned about parking lot safety and had therefore recommended that GCC reservations be cancelled FEB 4-FEB 16.
Downstairs Bathroom Remodeling: Andrew reported construction on the downstairs bathrooms has progressed and should be completed soon. The outside portable toilet is scheduled to be removed Friday FEB 22. Unisex signage was installed.
GCC Camera: Not yet purchased.
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED): Barbara reported that Phillips, the AED manufacturer, recommended replacement after ten years of use. It has been at GCC for nine years. Clallam County Fire District #3 Captain reported that liability for operation of an AED may be covered under the “Good Samaritan” umbrella. Carol reported that Jefferson County assumes no responsibility for the use/misuse of the AED at GCC. After discussion, MSA (6-0): To donate the AED to CERT 8, care of Dick Bennett.
Attic Clearance/Rhody Os storage: Fran reported that the attic had been cleared of all items that did not belong to Jefferson County. Remaining items: one box floor fan, box of air filters, metal ceiling vent cover.
• Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
Loss of Rentals due to inclement weather: Fran reported that 26 functions were canceled and $580 of revenue lost. Some cancellations were the renter’s choice and some GCC’s. After discussion, the board agreed that when weather dictates, plowing the parking lot might help prevent cancellations.
Special Requests Approved:
Three requests for rental of readerboard space.
The annual loan of old folding chairs and tables to the Salmon Derby.
• Landscape: Trish Warner
Trish has purchased new heathers; will plant them when weather permits. Mike Gatchett will be removing a fallen tree and its stump from the parking lot for $125.00. Both expenses are covered by the landscape budget.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
Trish reported she had paid $7 to file IRS-1099 forms for caretaker’s 2018 compensation. She requested to be reimbursed for the heather plants and half the $50.00 fee to update Quicken, her financial records software program.
Financial Statements: January receipts $960, expenditures $1,865.41. MSA (Fran/Mark): To approve the Treasurer’s Report for January and reimburse her expenditures.
Old Business
Documents Review: Fran Reynolds
Articles/Guidelines - Page numbers need correction. Change effective date to 2/20/19.
Policies – Corrections postponed until next meeting; readerboard discussion is needed.
Renter’s Clean-up Responsibilities – Remove AED section; change effective date to 2/20/19.
Schedule GCC Cleaning/Maintenance walk-through: (Barb/Fran)
Interior and exterior walk-through is planned for March 20 after the board meeting. Besides identifying tasks for the board’s attention, a list needs to be created for the county’s attention (roof repair, tree removal at driveway, handicap ramps repaired).
New Business
Advertisement of GCC to prospective renters: (Herb)
Because of Herb’s absence the topic was postponed until the March meeting.
Next Meeting
WED MAR 20, 10:00AM
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:11AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Reynolds / Vice-President
Minutes: February 20, 2019
Please click here for printable version
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:11AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis, Caretaker Andrew Watson. Absent: Herb Cook, Secretary
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Guest: Gordon Anderson
Gordon expressed his appreciation of having the GCC board meeting posted on the reader board. He also clarified his desire to continue visiting the board meetings, but at this time, had no desire to join the board as a director.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on January 16, 2019, were approved as submitted.
No communications were presented.
Facility Reports
• Maintenance: Caretaker Andrew Watson
Andrew reported that due to the weather, he was concerned about parking lot safety and had therefore recommended that GCC reservations be cancelled FEB 4-FEB 16.
Downstairs Bathroom Remodeling: Andrew reported construction on the downstairs bathrooms has progressed and should be completed soon. The outside portable toilet is scheduled to be removed Friday FEB 22. Unisex signage was installed.
GCC Camera: Not yet purchased.
Automatic External Defibrillator (AED): Barbara reported that Phillips, the AED manufacturer, recommended replacement after ten years of use. It has been at GCC for nine years. Clallam County Fire District #3 Captain reported that liability for operation of an AED may be covered under the “Good Samaritan” umbrella. Carol reported that Jefferson County assumes no responsibility for the use/misuse of the AED at GCC. After discussion, MSA (6-0): To donate the AED to CERT 8, care of Dick Bennett.
Attic Clearance/Rhody Os storage: Fran reported that the attic had been cleared of all items that did not belong to Jefferson County. Remaining items: one box floor fan, box of air filters, metal ceiling vent cover.
• Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
Loss of Rentals due to inclement weather: Fran reported that 26 functions were canceled and $580 of revenue lost. Some cancellations were the renter’s choice and some GCC’s. After discussion, the board agreed that when weather dictates, plowing the parking lot might help prevent cancellations.
Special Requests Approved:
Three requests for rental of readerboard space.
The annual loan of old folding chairs and tables to the Salmon Derby.
• Landscape: Trish Warner
Trish has purchased new heathers; will plant them when weather permits. Mike Gatchett will be removing a fallen tree and its stump from the parking lot for $125.00. Both expenses are covered by the landscape budget.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
Trish reported she had paid $7 to file IRS-1099 forms for caretaker’s 2018 compensation. She requested to be reimbursed for the heather plants and half the $50.00 fee to update Quicken, her financial records software program.
Financial Statements: January receipts $960, expenditures $1,865.41. MSA (Fran/Mark): To approve the Treasurer’s Report for January and reimburse her expenditures.
Old Business
Documents Review: Fran Reynolds
Articles/Guidelines - Page numbers need correction. Change effective date to 2/20/19.
Policies – Corrections postponed until next meeting; readerboard discussion is needed.
Renter’s Clean-up Responsibilities – Remove AED section; change effective date to 2/20/19.
Schedule GCC Cleaning/Maintenance walk-through: (Barb/Fran)
Interior and exterior walk-through is planned for March 20 after the board meeting. Besides identifying tasks for the board’s attention, a list needs to be created for the county’s attention (roof repair, tree removal at driveway, handicap ramps repaired).
New Business
Advertisement of GCC to prospective renters: (Herb)
Because of Herb’s absence the topic was postponed until the March meeting.
Next Meeting
WED MAR 20, 10:00AM
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 11:11AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Fran Reynolds / Vice-President