Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: February 21, 2018
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:05AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barb Reavis.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on January 17, 2018, were approved as presented.
· Herb received notice of Jefferson County’s 2018 Community Services Grant to GCC in the amount of $3,220—an increase of $100 above the 2017 Grant.
· Fran received a letter thanking GCC for posting notice of the Rhody-Os’ 39th Anniversary Dance on the Readerboard.
Facility Reports
· Maintenance: Caretaker Andrew Watson (not in attendance)
o Trish reported that Andrew had informed her he was still working on buying new letters for the Readerboard.
o Mark reported Andrew’s request that a Board member obtain a cost estimate for refinishing the upstairs floor. Mark volunteered to pursue this. Herb suggested asking how the Sequim School District maintains gymnasium floors.
o Fran reported that two renters have said the sound system’s microphone is not working properly, but Andrew says the system is working. Mark volunteered to check into it.
· Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
o Fran reported that Strait Turners had requested a discounted rental rate for using all three downstairs meeting rooms. After discussion, Board members suggested Fran offer the group a rate of $55 for either all three downstairs rooms or the large upstairs room.
· Landscape: Trish Warner
o Fran noted that Andrew had salted the parking and walk areas frequently during unusually cold weather.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
· Financial Statements: January receipts $3,747, expenditures $1,731. JAN 31 checking account balance: $19,526. February bills payable $1,535. Positive cash flow resulted primarily from advance payment for a seven-day rental by Virtual Academy, which conducts its required state testing at GCC. MSA (Herb/Fran): to approve the Treasurer’s Report and authorize payment of February bills.
Old Business
· Chair Rails: Board members expressed diverse opinions about installing rails to protect the walls of the downstairs meeting room. No action was taken.
· Guidelines for Officers’ Duties: Herb distributed copies, as edited.
· Use of GCC as a Mass Care Shelter: Carol reported that Donald Zanon and Jamie Goodwin of the American Red Cross (ARC) Kitsap & Olympic Peninsula Chapter visited GCC in January; explained ARC’s services during natural disasters, fires and other events; and concluded that GCC meets ARC’s criteria to continue as one of eight emergency shelters in Clallam and Jefferson counties.
Board members discussed whether the GCC Board (operator) or Jefferson County (owner) should execute the requested five-year renewal of the shelter agreement. Carol said she would consult with Jefferson County Commissioner Kathleen Kler. MSA (Herb/Carol): To authorize GCC’s President to renew the agreement with ARC, subject to approval by Jefferson County.
New Business
· Jefferson County Community Services Grant: Board members authorized Carol and Herb to review—and Carol to sign—the 2018 Grant Agreement.
· Downstairs Meeting Room Cleaning & Painting: At Barb’s suggestion, scheduled for 9:00AM Friday, March 16. Volunteers welcome.
Next Meeting
Wednesday, March 21, 10:00AM.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary
Minutes: February 21, 2018
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:05AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barb Reavis.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on January 17, 2018, were approved as presented.
· Herb received notice of Jefferson County’s 2018 Community Services Grant to GCC in the amount of $3,220—an increase of $100 above the 2017 Grant.
· Fran received a letter thanking GCC for posting notice of the Rhody-Os’ 39th Anniversary Dance on the Readerboard.
Facility Reports
· Maintenance: Caretaker Andrew Watson (not in attendance)
o Trish reported that Andrew had informed her he was still working on buying new letters for the Readerboard.
o Mark reported Andrew’s request that a Board member obtain a cost estimate for refinishing the upstairs floor. Mark volunteered to pursue this. Herb suggested asking how the Sequim School District maintains gymnasium floors.
o Fran reported that two renters have said the sound system’s microphone is not working properly, but Andrew says the system is working. Mark volunteered to check into it.
· Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
o Fran reported that Strait Turners had requested a discounted rental rate for using all three downstairs meeting rooms. After discussion, Board members suggested Fran offer the group a rate of $55 for either all three downstairs rooms or the large upstairs room.
· Landscape: Trish Warner
o Fran noted that Andrew had salted the parking and walk areas frequently during unusually cold weather.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
· Financial Statements: January receipts $3,747, expenditures $1,731. JAN 31 checking account balance: $19,526. February bills payable $1,535. Positive cash flow resulted primarily from advance payment for a seven-day rental by Virtual Academy, which conducts its required state testing at GCC. MSA (Herb/Fran): to approve the Treasurer’s Report and authorize payment of February bills.
Old Business
· Chair Rails: Board members expressed diverse opinions about installing rails to protect the walls of the downstairs meeting room. No action was taken.
· Guidelines for Officers’ Duties: Herb distributed copies, as edited.
· Use of GCC as a Mass Care Shelter: Carol reported that Donald Zanon and Jamie Goodwin of the American Red Cross (ARC) Kitsap & Olympic Peninsula Chapter visited GCC in January; explained ARC’s services during natural disasters, fires and other events; and concluded that GCC meets ARC’s criteria to continue as one of eight emergency shelters in Clallam and Jefferson counties.
Board members discussed whether the GCC Board (operator) or Jefferson County (owner) should execute the requested five-year renewal of the shelter agreement. Carol said she would consult with Jefferson County Commissioner Kathleen Kler. MSA (Herb/Carol): To authorize GCC’s President to renew the agreement with ARC, subject to approval by Jefferson County.
New Business
· Jefferson County Community Services Grant: Board members authorized Carol and Herb to review—and Carol to sign—the 2018 Grant Agreement.
· Downstairs Meeting Room Cleaning & Painting: At Barb’s suggestion, scheduled for 9:00AM Friday, March 16. Volunteers welcome.
Next Meeting
Wednesday, March 21, 10:00AM.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:25AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary