Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: December 14, 2016
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:10AM. Present: President Hills, Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Steve Durupt, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis; caretaker Andrew Watson.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
No guests attended.
Prior to the meeting, individual Board members had conversations with Tom Walker, Jefferson County Public Facilities Supervisor, about maintenance and repair issues. Board comments and requests and Tom’s responses are summarized in the Facility Report below.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on November 14, 2016, were approved as submitted by Secretary Herb Cook.
Fran reported the Greywolf Flyfishing group notified her it will no longer meet at GCC. Herb reported he had received notice that the Jefferson County Commissioners approved the appointment of Barbara Reavis to the GCC Board.
Facility Report/Maintenance
Caretaker Andrew Watson reported that the septic system had shown signs of a blockage, but appeared to have cleared. Other maintenance issues:
· Lighting: Andrew compiled an inventory of GCC interior lighting. Tom Walker agreed to replace current fluorescent tubes with energy-efficient LED tubes, which may be available at a discounted or subsidized price through the Jefferson PUD. Tom also will replace bulbs on GCC’s parking lot poles, but not on PUD poles.
· Upstairs Floor: Tom was uncertain why some floor areas are losing their finish less than a year after refinishing. Neither Tom nor Board members supported stripping and refinishing the entire floor again at this time. Andrew said he will suggest that square dancers minimize additional wear by dancing in a different area.
· Downstairs Carpet: Tom agreed that the worn, stained carpet in the meeting room should be replaced with composition flooring. The GCC Board may use the Center’s reserve fund to cover part of the cost if Jefferson County also pays a share.
· Exterior Faucet and Electrical Outlet: Tom said the County will make repairs.
· Exterior Window Washing: Tom said Jefferson County does not have a lift truck to access high windows. He believes GCC is responsible for interior and exterior washing.
· Parking Lot Moss: Tom will ask Jefferson County maintenance to sweep the lot when a sweeper truck is in Gardiner.
Facility Report/Rental & Scheduling
Fran Reynolds distributed a summary of GCC Rental and Contribution Agreements for 2017, as received through December 6.
Landscape Committee
Trish Warner said she and Jim had wrapped exterior faucets and attempted to keep the parking lot clear, but moss remains a problem.
Ad Hoc Committee on 2017 GCC/Jefferson County Grant Agreement
Fran, Carleton and Herb reported they had reviewed the 2016 Grant Agreement and saw no need for major changes. Board members took no action, pending receipt of the County’s 2017 Grant proposal.
Treasurer’s Report
· Bill Payments: MSA: (Barb, Carleton) to approve bill payments totaling $437.59.
· Financial Statements: Trish reported November receipts of $2,155, expenditures of $1,570 and a cash balance of $24,108 as of November 30. MSA: (Herb, Carleton) to approve the November Treasurer’s Report.
· Damage Deposit Policy: Fran prepared a list of outstanding damage deposits; some deposit records for longtime GCC renters are not entirely clear. Trish suggested refunding deposits to longtime users (estimated total: less than $1,000) in order to remove that liability from GCC’s books and simplify future accounting. MSA: (Herb/Barbara) to (a) authorize the Treasurer to refund damage deposits to longtime users; and (b) collect future damage deposits only from one-time users.
· Replacement of GCC Christmas Tree: Board members thanked Steve Durupt for donating an attractive artificial tree. MSA: (Trish/Herb) to authorize the Caretaker to dispose of GCC’s old, deteriorated artificial tree.
· 2017 Budget: Trish presented a proposed budget (appended by reference to these Minutes) including Revenue of $21,100, Expenses of $19,400 and net income of $1,700. After discussion, MSA: (Fran/Carleton) to approve the 2017 Budget as presented.
Old Business
· 2017 Caretaker Services Agreement: Board members reviewed the Agreement.
MSA: (Trish/Carol) to approve the 2017 Agreement with Andrew Watson as previously authorized at the November 14 Board meeting.
· Salmon Derby Donation: Fran reported that the Gardiner Salmon Derby Association had agreed to donate $500 to the Gardiner Community Center in 2017.
· Downstairs Carpet Replacement: Steve Durupt agreed to obtain a quote from Strait Flooring to install composite flooring at prevailing wage rates (see Facility Report).
· Downsizing Water Feed & Meter: Trish reported the PUD has lowered GCC’s monthly base rate from about $50 to about $21—the appropriate charge for a ¾” line.
· Coterminous Board Expiration Dates. Herb reported that Julie Shannon, executive assistant to the County Commissioners, suggested that all Board terms end on June 30. Herb will follow up in 2017.
New Business
· Corresponding Secretary: Barbara Reavis volunteered to serve as Corresponding Secretary. Board members asked Barbara to send thank-you notes to Jan Hintermayr for washing GCC’s towels and to PUD Commissioner Wayne King for his help in assuring that GCC pays the correct base rate for water service, and to Dennis Martin for his numerous volunteer services.
· Disposal of Surplus Tables: Because GCC has received five tables previously used in the offices of the Jefferson County Commissioners (and expects to receive two more) it was MSA: to authorize the Caretaker to dispose of tables no longer required by GCC.
· 2017 GCC Board Meeting Dates: Board members agreed to continue meeting at 10:00AM on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Herb distributed a schedule of meeting dates: JAN 18, FEB 15, MAR 15, APR 19, MAY 17, JUN 21, JUL 19, AUG 16, SEP 20, OCT 18, NOV 15, DEC 20.
Next Meeting
10:00AM Wednesday, January 18.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook
Minutes: December 14, 2016
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:10AM. Present: President Hills, Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Steve Durupt, Carleton Posey and Barbara Reavis; caretaker Andrew Watson.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
No guests attended.
Prior to the meeting, individual Board members had conversations with Tom Walker, Jefferson County Public Facilities Supervisor, about maintenance and repair issues. Board comments and requests and Tom’s responses are summarized in the Facility Report below.
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on November 14, 2016, were approved as submitted by Secretary Herb Cook.
Fran reported the Greywolf Flyfishing group notified her it will no longer meet at GCC. Herb reported he had received notice that the Jefferson County Commissioners approved the appointment of Barbara Reavis to the GCC Board.
Facility Report/Maintenance
Caretaker Andrew Watson reported that the septic system had shown signs of a blockage, but appeared to have cleared. Other maintenance issues:
· Lighting: Andrew compiled an inventory of GCC interior lighting. Tom Walker agreed to replace current fluorescent tubes with energy-efficient LED tubes, which may be available at a discounted or subsidized price through the Jefferson PUD. Tom also will replace bulbs on GCC’s parking lot poles, but not on PUD poles.
· Upstairs Floor: Tom was uncertain why some floor areas are losing their finish less than a year after refinishing. Neither Tom nor Board members supported stripping and refinishing the entire floor again at this time. Andrew said he will suggest that square dancers minimize additional wear by dancing in a different area.
· Downstairs Carpet: Tom agreed that the worn, stained carpet in the meeting room should be replaced with composition flooring. The GCC Board may use the Center’s reserve fund to cover part of the cost if Jefferson County also pays a share.
· Exterior Faucet and Electrical Outlet: Tom said the County will make repairs.
· Exterior Window Washing: Tom said Jefferson County does not have a lift truck to access high windows. He believes GCC is responsible for interior and exterior washing.
· Parking Lot Moss: Tom will ask Jefferson County maintenance to sweep the lot when a sweeper truck is in Gardiner.
Facility Report/Rental & Scheduling
Fran Reynolds distributed a summary of GCC Rental and Contribution Agreements for 2017, as received through December 6.
Landscape Committee
Trish Warner said she and Jim had wrapped exterior faucets and attempted to keep the parking lot clear, but moss remains a problem.
Ad Hoc Committee on 2017 GCC/Jefferson County Grant Agreement
Fran, Carleton and Herb reported they had reviewed the 2016 Grant Agreement and saw no need for major changes. Board members took no action, pending receipt of the County’s 2017 Grant proposal.
Treasurer’s Report
· Bill Payments: MSA: (Barb, Carleton) to approve bill payments totaling $437.59.
· Financial Statements: Trish reported November receipts of $2,155, expenditures of $1,570 and a cash balance of $24,108 as of November 30. MSA: (Herb, Carleton) to approve the November Treasurer’s Report.
· Damage Deposit Policy: Fran prepared a list of outstanding damage deposits; some deposit records for longtime GCC renters are not entirely clear. Trish suggested refunding deposits to longtime users (estimated total: less than $1,000) in order to remove that liability from GCC’s books and simplify future accounting. MSA: (Herb/Barbara) to (a) authorize the Treasurer to refund damage deposits to longtime users; and (b) collect future damage deposits only from one-time users.
· Replacement of GCC Christmas Tree: Board members thanked Steve Durupt for donating an attractive artificial tree. MSA: (Trish/Herb) to authorize the Caretaker to dispose of GCC’s old, deteriorated artificial tree.
· 2017 Budget: Trish presented a proposed budget (appended by reference to these Minutes) including Revenue of $21,100, Expenses of $19,400 and net income of $1,700. After discussion, MSA: (Fran/Carleton) to approve the 2017 Budget as presented.
Old Business
· 2017 Caretaker Services Agreement: Board members reviewed the Agreement.
MSA: (Trish/Carol) to approve the 2017 Agreement with Andrew Watson as previously authorized at the November 14 Board meeting.
· Salmon Derby Donation: Fran reported that the Gardiner Salmon Derby Association had agreed to donate $500 to the Gardiner Community Center in 2017.
· Downstairs Carpet Replacement: Steve Durupt agreed to obtain a quote from Strait Flooring to install composite flooring at prevailing wage rates (see Facility Report).
· Downsizing Water Feed & Meter: Trish reported the PUD has lowered GCC’s monthly base rate from about $50 to about $21—the appropriate charge for a ¾” line.
· Coterminous Board Expiration Dates. Herb reported that Julie Shannon, executive assistant to the County Commissioners, suggested that all Board terms end on June 30. Herb will follow up in 2017.
New Business
· Corresponding Secretary: Barbara Reavis volunteered to serve as Corresponding Secretary. Board members asked Barbara to send thank-you notes to Jan Hintermayr for washing GCC’s towels and to PUD Commissioner Wayne King for his help in assuring that GCC pays the correct base rate for water service, and to Dennis Martin for his numerous volunteer services.
· Disposal of Surplus Tables: Because GCC has received five tables previously used in the offices of the Jefferson County Commissioners (and expects to receive two more) it was MSA: to authorize the Caretaker to dispose of tables no longer required by GCC.
· 2017 GCC Board Meeting Dates: Board members agreed to continue meeting at 10:00AM on the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Herb distributed a schedule of meeting dates: JAN 18, FEB 15, MAR 15, APR 19, MAY 17, JUN 21, JUL 19, AUG 16, SEP 20, OCT 18, NOV 15, DEC 20.
Next Meeting
10:00AM Wednesday, January 18.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:55AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook