Gardiner Community Center Board
Minutes: April 11, 2018
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:05AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barb Reavis.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
· Board members welcomed Caleb Smith, who became pastor of Gardiner Community Church in January, 2018. Rev. Smith shared some of his background and said he looks forward to collaborating with the Community Center.
· Former GCC Board President Bob McCauley dropped in to deliver coffee urns to replace others that have “gone missing” over time.
· Jefferson County Facilities Manager Tom Walker later joined the meeting to discuss flooding repairs and possible refinishing of the upstairs floor. (See Old Business)
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on March 21, 2018, were approved as corrected.
· Jefferson County PUD Commissioner Wayne King, a Gardiner resident, notified GCC that all Gardiner fire hydrants have been inspected and repaired, and will be painted.
· The Church of God offered to donate a toilet to replace the one whose malfunction caused flooding in GCC’s lower level. (Jefferson County will replace the toilet.)
Facility Reports
· Maintenance: Caretaker Andrew Watson
o Lower level flooring was not damaged by the recent flooding and can be relaid once the subflooring has fully dried and been repaired.
o Andrew has still not found a source for individual Readerboard letters. Fran said Readerboard messages can be adjusted to limit use of letters that are in short supply.
· Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
o Jefferson County expects the water-damaged areas of the lower level to be usable by April 16. Rental calendar has been adjusted to accommodate groups unable to meet during repairs. Fran will rent a port-a-john if needed to accommodate Virtual Academy during the school’s April rental dates.
o Herb provided copies of an emergency contact list for posting in the building.
o Because April is always a crowded rental month, Fran suggested the Gardiner Salmon Derby Association consider holding its banquet in a less busy period.
o Fran distributed and summarized the Quarterly Usage Report for JAN-MAR 2018. Total activities (169) increased slightly from the same period in 2017, while total revenue ($4,521) decreased slightly.
· Landscape: Trish Warner
o Grounds clean-up days were rainy, but some work got done.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
· Financial Statements: March receipts $4,700, expenditures $1,543. Positive cash flow resulted primarily from receipt of Jefferson County’s annual Community Services Grant of $3,220. April bills payable $1,557. MSA (Herb/Fran): to approve the Treasurer’s Report and authorize payment of April bills.
· MSA (Fran/Herb) to reimburse Bob McCauley $30 for his purchase of replacement coffee urns.
· Trish presented a schedule of GCC’s electric bills from November 2016 through February 2018, indicating that installation of LED lighting has resulted in substantial decreases in electric usage and expense.
Old Business
· Use of GCC as a Mass Care Shelter: As recommended by County Commissioner Kathleen Kler, Herb forwarded the draft five-year renewal of the shelter agreement to Jefferson County Central Services Director Mark McCauley, for execution between the County (as owner of the GCC building) and the American Red Cross (ARC) Kitsap & Olympic Peninsula Chapter (as Mass Care Shelter operator).
· Refinishing Upstairs Meeting Room Floor: Mark Nebel reported that Strait Flooring estimated a cost of $5,000 to strip and refinish the floor. Mark plans to ask the Sequim School District to provide information on maintenance of the district’s high-usage floors.
County facilities manager Tom Walker joined the meeting. Tom said the County plans to install new plumbing fixtures, an alarm system, an automatic water shut-off and a new bathroom door. Work should be completed during the summer. The County also will reimburse GCC for increased water and electric bills caused by the flooding and by extended use of fans to dry the lower level.
After Board members mentioned the deteriorating upstairs floor, Tom said the County has no funds in the 2018 budget to refinish the floor. However, he said the County might be able to pay half the cost of contracted refinishing if GCC could pay half. Tom said he will put the matter on his agenda and try to obtain a bid within two months.
· Building Security and Keybox Codes: After discussion, the Board approved the following Motion, tabled on March 21 and amended on April 11: MSA (Fran/Barb): That upstairs and downstairs security codes be changed within 60 days; that distribution of new codes be limited to the Caretaker, any GCC Board Member who requests them, and any other person approved by the Board; that the Vice President notify past GCC Board Members that they will no longer have independent access to the building.
After further discussion, MSA (Fran/Mark): That the operator of the Jefferson County Public Library Bookmobile be given the new access code to enter the building while the Bookmobile is in the GCC parking lot.
New Business
· Portrait Restoration: Board members agreed that the water-damaged portraits of Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, found in a GCC storage closet in 2017, have historic significance in Gardiner and are worthy of restoration and display. Carol obtained a quote of $171.20 from an art conservationist in Port Townsend to restore both portraits. MSA (Herb/Barb): To authorize Carol to spend up to $200 to restore the two portraits.
· Missing Tablecloths: Carleton reported that Joy Posey had told him lace tablecloths worth an estimated $300 had disappeared from the Garden Club storage cabinet. Fran said the cabinet does not lock properly. No action was taken.
· Chair Loan: Mark said he and Phyllis Carey are starting a charity in Sequim and would like to borrow some GCC folding chairs for an event on April 21. MSA (Herb/Carol): To authorize Mark to borrow chairs for the event.
Next Meeting
Wednesday, May 16, 10:00AM.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary
Minutes: April 11, 2018
Call to Order
The meeting was called to order by President Carol Hansen Hills at 10:05AM. Also present: Vice President Fran Reynolds, Treasurer Trish Warner, Secretary Herb Cook, directors Mark Nebel, Carleton Posey and Barb Reavis.
Public Comment / Recognition of Guests
· Board members welcomed Caleb Smith, who became pastor of Gardiner Community Church in January, 2018. Rev. Smith shared some of his background and said he looks forward to collaborating with the Community Center.
· Former GCC Board President Bob McCauley dropped in to deliver coffee urns to replace others that have “gone missing” over time.
· Jefferson County Facilities Manager Tom Walker later joined the meeting to discuss flooding repairs and possible refinishing of the upstairs floor. (See Old Business)
Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the previous Board meeting on March 21, 2018, were approved as corrected.
· Jefferson County PUD Commissioner Wayne King, a Gardiner resident, notified GCC that all Gardiner fire hydrants have been inspected and repaired, and will be painted.
· The Church of God offered to donate a toilet to replace the one whose malfunction caused flooding in GCC’s lower level. (Jefferson County will replace the toilet.)
Facility Reports
· Maintenance: Caretaker Andrew Watson
o Lower level flooring was not damaged by the recent flooding and can be relaid once the subflooring has fully dried and been repaired.
o Andrew has still not found a source for individual Readerboard letters. Fran said Readerboard messages can be adjusted to limit use of letters that are in short supply.
· Rental & Scheduling: Fran Reynolds
o Jefferson County expects the water-damaged areas of the lower level to be usable by April 16. Rental calendar has been adjusted to accommodate groups unable to meet during repairs. Fran will rent a port-a-john if needed to accommodate Virtual Academy during the school’s April rental dates.
o Herb provided copies of an emergency contact list for posting in the building.
o Because April is always a crowded rental month, Fran suggested the Gardiner Salmon Derby Association consider holding its banquet in a less busy period.
o Fran distributed and summarized the Quarterly Usage Report for JAN-MAR 2018. Total activities (169) increased slightly from the same period in 2017, while total revenue ($4,521) decreased slightly.
· Landscape: Trish Warner
o Grounds clean-up days were rainy, but some work got done.
Treasurer’s Report: Trish Warner
· Financial Statements: March receipts $4,700, expenditures $1,543. Positive cash flow resulted primarily from receipt of Jefferson County’s annual Community Services Grant of $3,220. April bills payable $1,557. MSA (Herb/Fran): to approve the Treasurer’s Report and authorize payment of April bills.
· MSA (Fran/Herb) to reimburse Bob McCauley $30 for his purchase of replacement coffee urns.
· Trish presented a schedule of GCC’s electric bills from November 2016 through February 2018, indicating that installation of LED lighting has resulted in substantial decreases in electric usage and expense.
Old Business
· Use of GCC as a Mass Care Shelter: As recommended by County Commissioner Kathleen Kler, Herb forwarded the draft five-year renewal of the shelter agreement to Jefferson County Central Services Director Mark McCauley, for execution between the County (as owner of the GCC building) and the American Red Cross (ARC) Kitsap & Olympic Peninsula Chapter (as Mass Care Shelter operator).
· Refinishing Upstairs Meeting Room Floor: Mark Nebel reported that Strait Flooring estimated a cost of $5,000 to strip and refinish the floor. Mark plans to ask the Sequim School District to provide information on maintenance of the district’s high-usage floors.
County facilities manager Tom Walker joined the meeting. Tom said the County plans to install new plumbing fixtures, an alarm system, an automatic water shut-off and a new bathroom door. Work should be completed during the summer. The County also will reimburse GCC for increased water and electric bills caused by the flooding and by extended use of fans to dry the lower level.
After Board members mentioned the deteriorating upstairs floor, Tom said the County has no funds in the 2018 budget to refinish the floor. However, he said the County might be able to pay half the cost of contracted refinishing if GCC could pay half. Tom said he will put the matter on his agenda and try to obtain a bid within two months.
· Building Security and Keybox Codes: After discussion, the Board approved the following Motion, tabled on March 21 and amended on April 11: MSA (Fran/Barb): That upstairs and downstairs security codes be changed within 60 days; that distribution of new codes be limited to the Caretaker, any GCC Board Member who requests them, and any other person approved by the Board; that the Vice President notify past GCC Board Members that they will no longer have independent access to the building.
After further discussion, MSA (Fran/Mark): That the operator of the Jefferson County Public Library Bookmobile be given the new access code to enter the building while the Bookmobile is in the GCC parking lot.
New Business
· Portrait Restoration: Board members agreed that the water-damaged portraits of Presidents George Washington and Abraham Lincoln, found in a GCC storage closet in 2017, have historic significance in Gardiner and are worthy of restoration and display. Carol obtained a quote of $171.20 from an art conservationist in Port Townsend to restore both portraits. MSA (Herb/Barb): To authorize Carol to spend up to $200 to restore the two portraits.
· Missing Tablecloths: Carleton reported that Joy Posey had told him lace tablecloths worth an estimated $300 had disappeared from the Garden Club storage cabinet. Fran said the cabinet does not lock properly. No action was taken.
· Chair Loan: Mark said he and Phyllis Carey are starting a charity in Sequim and would like to borrow some GCC folding chairs for an event on April 21. MSA (Herb/Carol): To authorize Mark to borrow chairs for the event.
Next Meeting
Wednesday, May 16, 10:00AM.
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at 11:50AM.
Respectfully submitted,
Herb Cook / Secretary